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Silicon Karma (Book)

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Reality will soon be what you make it. Even now, some theorists predict that people will be copied into computerized virtual realities where their software selves can live forever, fulfilling all their dreams-for a price.

Rose Pillock has managed to save enough money for the costly process of having herself copied by the Xanadu mindscanner and finds herself at the side of her late husband, Albert. But first she is reunited with Michael, her first love, and then meets Ingrid, Michael's ex-wife: and Lisa, the schemer who took Michael from Rose.

Rose is torn between familiar affection for Albert and her lost love for Michael, but before she can untangle her emotions, a problem of greater urgency threatens. Someone has found a way to drain memory from the computer, siphoning it off from other programs and nibbling away at the edges of the virtual world. Forbidden to interfere in the "lives" of its many residents, the computer and the people who sell its services for a tidy profit are helpless to intervene when the crime wave erupts in the data banks of its virtual afterlife. For the computer has many residents, some with dark and greedy dreams.

year published 1997
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