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what the hell is a cyberscore?

A work's cyberscore is a measure of how important cyberpunk themes are to its core message, plot, or concepts. It's represented by a number between 1 and 10 and is intended to be an objective measurement (not a subjective rating).

For example, Systems by W.T. Quick has a low cyberscore of 1.0. While being ostensibly about a computer hacker, one could delete all the references to computers and hacking in the book and still leave the plot basically intact. There is enough in there that you can't take out 100% of it without compromising the plot, hence it being on this site at all, but most of the book's content is about espionage and murderous violence.

Different from Systems is Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott. The book is fundamentally about virtual reality, cyber crime, digital identities, and computer security. There's no way to take these concepts away from the plot without utterly destroying it.

Many works on here don't have a cyberscore because the webmaster hasn't consumed them, yet. The ultimate goal is to have this rating for all works featured on Neon Grid.

what are other resources like this?

Neon Grid exists because there isn't much in the way of comprehensive cyberpunk resources. However, there is a helpful database of titles over at Neon Dystopia. Naming similarity is pure coincidence.

neon grid is made by vilmibm and is licensed CC-BY-NC.