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eXistenZ (book) (Book)

Back of the Book

The name of the game is eXistenZ. A game system based on technology so advanced it borders on biology, it's a quantum leap ahead of anything ever imagined possible.

Allega Geller is the architect of the game. She is a star--worshipped, cosseted, and constantly under threat from fanatics and rival game companies alike. And it is up to rookie security guard Ted PIkul to protect her.

When a terrorist attack disrupts the first ever demonstration of eXistenZ, the pair are thrust into a strange and dangerous world where reality merges with fantasy and they can trust no one, least of all each other...For who can tell where real life ends and the game begins?

Frighteningly vivid and tense, David Cronenberg's eXistenZ is a terrifying journey through betrayal, death and the seductive world of game playing.

year published 1997
Based on eXistenZ (film)
neon grid is made by vilmibm and is licensed CC-BY-NC.