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Eclipse (Book)

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There had been no time to fight...No time to resist...No time to rebuild...

The soviets invaded. NATO retaliated. The limited nuclear strike had stopped the Soviet advances; it had even forced them back, but the price was high. The great cities of Europe were dead. And no one seemed to want to claim the survivors.

Until NATO turned over the policing of the wreckage to the Second Alliance--a right-wing, fundamentalist, supposedly neutral, international security corporation.

Then, out of the rubble, the New Resistance was born. They were a motley crew of freedom fighters with few resources. Misfits, drop-outs, patriots, and partisans, they had nothing at all in common except their enemy, the Second Alliance and its soon-to-be-revealed purpose--a single-minded determination to control the world.

year published 1985
Series A Song Called Youth
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